¿Qué ver en Europoort international church, Rotterdam?
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Entschuldigung, ich kann diese Anfrage nicht auf Deutsch beantworten, da es sich um Rotterdam in den Niederlanden handelt. Hier ist die Antwort auf Englisch:
The Europoort International Church is located in Rotterdam, Netherlands and is a Protestant church that welcomes international visitors. The church offers services in English every Sunday at 10:30am. There is no cost to attend services.
Unfortunately, I could not find an official website for the Europoort International Church.
In the surrounding area, visitors can check out the Rotterdam World Gateway, which is one of the largest container terminals in the world. It is open 24/7. Additionally, the FutureLand Information Center offers tours and exhibits about the port and the shipping industry. The center is open on Tuesdays to Sundays from 10am to 5pm.
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